Radical Americana - Reviews of No Solo

by Eleanor Goldfield

Updates to this post come as reviews come in. These are excerpts but the full reviews are well worth a read - think of them as a fine wine pairing to the main course of music :) Links to the full reviews next to the excerpts.

The following is a review of "No Solo" by Terence Kumpf. The full review is available on his Medium page.

  • From spoken word to dizzyingly soaring choruses, Goldfield’s voice is not only strong but necessary. Her acute attention to, and adroit handling of, political themes is what the world needs.

  • On No Solo Eleanor vocally explores the reflective and the vulnerable, the driving, determined, and, most importantly, the empowered. The record seethes with righteous indignation.

The following is a review of specifically the track "Pyre" by Amelia Vandergast at A&R Factory. The full review is available on their site.

  • While tackling themes of damnation, the radical track unapologetically forces into consciousness the destruction that collectively surrounds us while speaking to your soul with a recognition that only exceptional songwriters can achieve...

  • if you don’t feel something listening to Pyre, you may want to check you’ve still got a pulse.

The following is a review of the EP by Larry Wines at Acoustic Americana. The full review is available on their site.

  • You didn't even get much of that introspection from Joni Mitchell or Joan Baez.

  • But Goldfield taps the sparks of a new time. One that demands all of us -- from pampered corporate oligarch to limited-means consumer faced with endless plastic crap -- face-up to the funeral pyre of civilization we stoke with our daily activities.

  • Name whatever genre, whatever mode of artistic expression you like, and you oh-so-rarely encounter such thought-provoking work where every line rings true...

Buy the EP