
protest against FERC

by Eleanor Goldfield

As part of a week and a half long action, Beyond Extreme Energy is occupying, or rather FERCupying the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) demanding alternatives and answers to their heavy handed greenlighting of fracking sites, pipelines and plants.

Today, Thursday May 28th, activists showed no signs of fatigue or lack of creativity as they set up a large merry-go-round complete with the faces of FERC higher ups responsible for rubber-stamping these toxic tactics. As the revolving door between the oil/gas industry and regulatory agencies continues to fly open, the merry-go-round was a brilliant satirical and graphic demonstration of how ridiculous this practice is.

Also on site was a huge banner with fracking facts used to strategically block one of the entrances. Protestors blocked the main entrance as well with signs and banners while handing passersby monopoly boards and flyers. Around 8am, activists took the merry-go-round for a stroll, singing a parodied version of “Pop Goes the Weasel” (“FERC is a weasel”).

Although the event has a sobering and serious message, activists proved that there’s no reason fighting the powers that be has to be boring. People danced in the streets – blew whistles and horns, dressed up and sang. Yet another example of creative activism – ever more impressive considering the 6:15am start time.

For more information on this action, visit Beyond Extreme Energy and tweet/post using the #StopTheFERCus hashtag.

Please feel free to use the images below – please credit accordingly: Eleanor Goldfield/artkillingapathy.com